Long-time Dilworth Soup Kitchen Board Chair Mary Andujar turned over the reins to Tom Fedell this year in leading the all-volunteer board. Mary started volunteering for the DSK in January of 2010, joined the board as a co-chair in 2013 and led the board from 2016-2018. The DSK was founded in 2008.
“On behalf of all our volunteers, guests and partners at the Dilworth Soup Kitchen, we thank Mary for her leadership, dedication and long-time commitment to the Dilworth Soup Kitchen,” said Tom Fedell. “She has been instrumental in advancing our shared mission of providing the community with nutritional lunches every Monday that are served with dignity, respect and love.”
Tom has been an active volunteer at the DSK for more than five-and-a-half years and is new to the board, as are volunteers Nelson Haynes and Gary Klasen. The 13 DSK board members are active volunteers of the soup kitchen. The board members are:
Mary Andujar, Joel Blady, Julie Bogus, Julie Burch, Tanarge Clegg, Tom Fedell, Anne Gildea, Nelson Haynes, Gary Klasen, Jolin McElroy, Marcia Rowse, Leslie Therrien and Lilly Young.
The Dilworth Soup Kitchen provides hot, nutritious lunches every Monday for up to 150 neighbors and guests from throughout Charlotte. Since 2008, the non-profit DSK has been offering free, wholesome meals in a restaurant-style environment at First Christian Church, 1200 East Blvd., Charlotte, NC. The DSK is just as much about fellowship, service to others and love – as it is about the food!
If you are interested in helping support our mission through your time, talents or in other ways, please visit out Donate or Volunteer pages. For further information you can also write to us at info@dsk.com.