Christmas came a few days early for the Dilworth Soup Kitchen, thanks to Electrolux. The Charlotte-based home appliance manufacturer known for its commitment to the community donated an industrial refrigerator and industrial freezer to the DSK a few days before Christmas.
“These donations from Electrolux allow the Dilworth Soup Kitchen to feed many well deserving guests each and every week,” said Mary Andujar, board chairperson of the DSK. “The generosity of Electrolux is sincerely overwhelming to us and we are so appreciative of the ongoing relationship we have had with its wonderful people over the years.”
“Not only have Electrolux employees given of their time as DSK volunteers on multiple occasions, they now have donated our third and fourth pieces of cooking equipment,” Mary added. “For this and all their community-related efforts, we are sincerely grateful.”
The first Electrolux donation was in 2017 after a group of volunteers from the company noticed that one of the DSK freezers was no longer working. “The Electrolux team immediately called and arranged for a new freezer to be donated,” Mary said. “They’ve been regular volunteers and donors ever since.”
The Dilworth Soup Kitchen provides hot, nutritious lunches every Monday for up to 150 neighbors and guests from throughout Charlotte. Since 2008, the non-profit DSK has been offering free, wholesome meals in a restaurant-style environment at First Christian Church, 1200 East Blvd., Charlotte, NC. The DSK is just as much about fellowship, service to others and love – as it is about the food!
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