Gary Klasen

There’s a quote from musician Harry Chapin, who left this world far too soon, that makes me think of the Soup Kitchen: “I can tell you one thing – that involvement with these causes means you’re involved with the good people. The people with the live hearts, the live eyes, the live heads.” 

To me, that’s our cast of characters (and there are many) at DSK.

 Harry continued: “… Who are the people who make your life worthwhile? Usually the people who are committed to something. So, in the final analysis, commitment in and of itself, irrespective of whether you win or not, is something that makes your life more worthwhile.”

-Gary Klasen

Roberta Edwards

My sister found out about the Soup Kitchen and suggested it as something to get me out of the house. I’ve been here a long time. I used to put out all the desserts when we served hot lunches and now I prepare the plastic bags for groceries and also help put water, fruit and other things in each of the lunches.

-Roberta Edwards

Polly Menaker

I volunteer at DSK because I love giving back to this wonderful community!  I also love all the volunteers. They are so kind and just fun to be around. Charlotte has been such a lovely place to raise a family. Mostly, we have been so fortunate and it’s truly an honor to “pay it forward”.   

-Polly Menaker

Dani Garrett

Sometimes I would read or hear stories about people, especially children, who don’t have enough to eat. I used to pray for them and ask God to help them. Then at some point, I realized I could help answer those prayers.  I feel blessed to work with such wonderful people at the Soup Kitchen who keep finding more ways to serve and help people who are in need.  They truly are the hands and hearts of love, of Jesus.

-Dani Garrett

Cathy Lutes

For several years, I had heard from Doris Flowers, a devoted volunteer at the Dilworth Soup Kitchen, how much she loved being a part of this wonderful mission.  So, when I retired in 2014, I knew that I wanted to experience the same joy as Doris. It has now been 10 years and I can honestly say that volunteering here has not only brought me joy but a better understanding of the day-to-day struggles that so many people in our community face each day. 

-Cathy Lutes

Suzanne Sigmon

This is my own small way to help relieve heartbreaking hunger in a city/country where no one should be suffering from it. The thanks we get from our guests is worth every minute. We also make a contribution by doing away with food waste and with non-biodegradable trash in landfills.

-Suzanne Sigmon

Ken Grich

When I was a lad, I balked at my mother when she was in the habit of bringing disabled folks into our home for holiday meals. She said to me, in no uncertain terms: “Kenneth, to must learn to ALWAYS reach out and help others, especially those who cannot help themselves.” That always stuck with me. Seven years ago, I began volunteering at DSK. Talking to, helping and feeding the people has resulted in the greatest satisfaction of my life. I am full of gratitude and joy to be able to “give back” to others.

-Ken Grich

Catherine Roberts

My statement of Purpose: “There is beauty in the diversity of people (volunteers) who come together for a singular purpose of improving someone else’s life.” Serving is my heart. Dilworth Soup Kitchen has filled that need for eight years.

One of my passions that benefits DSK is volunteering with the Society of St. Andrew Gleaners. Gathering food from fields, bringing fresh food to DSK and giving to those who need it while also trying to create the least amount of food waste possible.  Once a farm girl, always a farm girl!

I benefit far more from DSK than I give. I am grateful for the opportunity. Hope to be back in the kitchen soon. There is an old hymn that resonates with me. “Others, Lord, yes Others. Let this my motto be.”    

-Catherine Roberts

Jolin McElroy

During the many years I’ve been First Christian Church pastor, one of my great joys has been our partnership with DSK and its ongoing work. Their volunteers have become a little community of family. Our guests have challenged us to see the world through new eyes. Thank you, Dilworth, for your support of this work to provide more than a meal on our little corner.

-Jolin McElroy  

Greg Sumrow

Greg Sumrow

There are many reasons that I volunteer and serve on the Board at DSK. “Food insecurity” is not only a worldwide issue, it’s a huge need right here in our own community in Charlotte. I’m motivated to do my part to help get food to the homeless and the growing population of the working poor who can’t afford food. The volunteers at DSK have a relentless passion to get food to the people who need it the most. Their generosity and hard work on a weekly basis help folks who are less fortunate than us. And the team is always open and looks for ways to help our guests. Volunteers have helped guests look for jobs, put resumes together, and refer them to other organizations in the area that can help with their special needs. The list goes on and on. I’m fortunate to be associated with this great organization.

-Greg Sumrow

Rosemary Harris

I began volunteering with Dilworth Soup Kitchen in 2017 to give back to the community after retiring. The kindness and generosity shown by this all-volunteer organization is remarkable. I am so honored to be a part of a great team of people that realizes the importance and value of taking care of our neighbors. No one should go hungry, and it is comforting to know our local Soup Kitchen offers a critical lifeline to those in need of food and kindness and that we make a difference in people’s lives.

-Rosemary Harris

Tom Fedell

When I started to volunteer at DSK in 2013 to help feed the hungry residents in our local community, the quality of the food served to guests along with a great group of dedicated volunteers were the draw for me. That has not changed at all in the last 11 years. Our culinary team rocks and continues to prepare great healthy entrees every Monday and Friday. Cooking and assembling/distributing great quality meals for 200 guests is not a trivial task. Our lunch assembly and distribution volunteers do an outstanding job every Monday and Friday getting our takeout meals ready for our guests. We now also have a food pantry providing groceries to our guests. Our dedicated volunteers and partners along with our great donors have made this possible. 

-Tom Fedell

Jimmy & Christie Flowers

Christie and I are short timers as DSK volunteers, but we aren’t the first in our family.  My mother (Jimmy’s) was a volunteer until age 92, followed by my brother and sister. It seems Christie and I were destined to take our places sooner or later!  Our time at DSK is the most fulfilling part of our week. We’re both retired so finding a meaningful outlet for our time and energy has been a powerful motivation as part of this wonderful organization that gives so much back to our home community.  

-Jimmy & Christy Flowers

Jim Sells

Community is very important to me, and as I transitioned from a fulfilling work life to the next chapter of my life, finding a new community was important. At DSK, it has been my pleasure to befriend our guests and learn something about their life stories beginning with their name.  

 I look forward to the fellowship of meal assembly and distribution that completes the circle. While there are myriad of volunteer activities available to us here in Charlotte, DSK, for me, is a wonderful source for new friends and enables me to give back in a meaningful way. 

-Jim Sells

Carol Hicks

I get to know people on a first-name basis when they come to our new food pantry. These are families just like ours. One woman recently lost her husband and another has recently gone on kidney dialysis. Another has her niece shop for her because she’s ill.

 Having the Soup Kitchen helps these people stretch their grocery dollars. They shop for food that meets their family needs. Their fresh groceries include milk, meat, eggs and fresh vegetables. I am truly blessed that the Soup Kitchen has been able to expand its offerings and that I can be a part of this.

- Carol Hicks

Anne Gildea

I began to volunteer in 2016 while on the Dilworth Cares committee and fell in love with the mission of feeding the hungry, no questions asked. I was drawn in by the commitment of the volunteers and board members who keep this nonprofit running smoothly week after week, year after year. By providing two meals a week, groceries, and pantry items, we can help and get to know our neighbors who are living on the margins. 

Food waste is at an all-time high in our country with 30 to 40 percent of the food supply going to waste. At DSK, we are taking advantage of opportunities to use food and groceries that would go to waste through our partnerships with catering companies, restaurants, and grocery stores. 

- Anne Gildea

Melyssa Fleming

Volunteering at the DSK is such a fulfilling experience!  I value the community and love to help support those in need. Starting my week off by helping others brings me joy and happiness and I absolutely love being surrounded by all the other volunteers!

-Melyssa Fleming

Julie Burch

I am honored and grateful for the experience of being a regular volunteer at the DSK.  It is such a joy to be part of this community of dedicated volunteers who provide delicious meals, lovingly prepared, week after week.  We are feeding hungry people who might not have another hot meal all week and it is a true labor of love. Beyond food, the DSK is a social hub that provides a place of safety, respect and dignity for our guests. The conversations with our guests leave my heart full each and every time, with names and faces that I can't forget. 

-Julie Burch

Nelson Haynes

The volunteer work that I do at DSK helps keep me grounded.  It allows me to share time with and give back to others that are less fortunate. I believe that when you give to others, your generosity is often continued down the line to someone else. I also believe that giving back, helping to make a positive impact on other people’s lives is part of my spiritual journey. 

- Nelson Haynes